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    posit - Dictionary definition and meaning for word posit

    (noun) (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning
    Synonyms : postulate
    (verb) put (something somewhere) firmly
    Synonyms : deposit , fix , situate
    Example Sentence
    • She posited her hand on his shoulder
    • deposit the suitcase on the bench
    • fix your eyes on this spot
    (verb) put before
    Synonyms : put forward , state , submit
    Example Sentence
    • I submit to you that the accused is guilty
    (verb) take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom
    Synonyms : postulate
    Example Sentence
    • He posited three basic laws of nature
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for posit

Posit is short of positive, so we assume (posit) that something is true without being completely positive

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posit: (pro)pose it. i.e propose or put forward

posit means put forward as fact or as a basis for argument...POSE+IT....why do we pose things or ourselves...to present ourselves......

posit = positively sit; The conclusion can sit positively.

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