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    panoramic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word panoramic

    (adj) as from an altitude or distance
    Synonyms : bird's-eye
    Example Sentence
    • a bird's-eye survey
    • a panoramic view
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for panoramic

horama in Greek means: sight. pan + orama = total view.

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there is a book named panorama..which contains the information of everything...

concentrate on d word mic.....mics are used to send sound to distant palces nd usuallly is at some altitude...

I can capture panoramic view with my sony ericsom mobile

(nora)h jones with stand with a mic at such a place where she will get a pa(noramic) view.

i can use a mic to communicate over great distances

ramember movie "PA".the word is pallet sound like pa let means pa is resting,where?on the bad.but bad is too poor

pan means all and oramic means oracle.its a computer language.how can we go on with computer language just by practicing on comp by seeing with eyes.

we capture some pictures which have wide angle or widespread picture to capture in continuous frame.. ie COMPREHENSIVE OR UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW.

panoramic -seems like ramadhiya place which you like to see without any obstruction , with unbroken view

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