• word of the day


    pandemonium - Dictionary definition and meaning for word pandemonium

    (noun) a state of extreme confusion and disorder
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pandemonium

sounds like harmonium(musical instrument)...a harmonium gone out of array creates noisy disorder...commotion

Pan (all) + Demon (devil) + ium (like) = like full of devils (wild place).

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pan+DEMON+ium.. it also means hell.. that is a very noisy and disordered place.. and demon dwells in hell.. hence pandemonium means hell..

PAN+DEMON....if we start making pan cards for demon in India there will be utter confusion because there are very few good people

this is from movie Dabang of salmankhan he was named pandey n he was very wild n noisy

All are watching Kung fu panda and suddenly PANDA(e) has bcum DEMON...so all of them wer alarmed, shocked and CONFUSED.

Dam.. inside a pen making wild noise.

कोलाहल (m) भारी गड़बड़ी भूतपिशाच का निवास स्थान

All the pandit and muni with harmonium created pandemonium

Sounds like Ande moni hum ... We teased our friend moni throwing eggs .. So there was noise and chaos as people ran here and there to hide frm her

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