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    paltry - Dictionary definition and meaning for word paltry

    (adj) not worth considering
    Synonyms : negligible , trifling
    Example Sentence
    • he considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost
    • piffling efforts
    • a trifling matter
    (adj) contemptibly small in amount
    Synonyms : measly , miserable
    Example Sentence
    • a measly tip
    • the company donated a miserable $100 for flood relief
    • a paltry wage
    • almost depleted his miserable store of dried beans
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for paltry

pal means moment in hindi,its very small...so can b neglected when we r wasting hrs on facebook:)

Relate this word to poultry. If poultry is not kept or stored properly, it will become worthless.

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(pal+try)Imagine you are advising your friend "hey pal(close friend), don't try it..it's not worth considering this option"

Pal + Try. Pal means friend. Since you have very less no of pals/friends you keep on trying to make new ones

sounds like POULTRY,that have MISERABLE life

its like this PAL(friend)+try(try).....so it goes like this friend try again u made insignificant effort

PALTRY rhymes with PAUCITY which means dearth scarcity, paltry means insignificant or small in value

PANTRY car of railways provide PALTRY amount of meal as compared to platform caterers for the tantamount of money.

suppose a salesman is trying to persuade to buy sth:"Its really cheap PAL,TRY it!",thus, PALTRY=petty and insignificant amount

paltry sounds like POULTRY which is INSIGNIFICANT for VEGETARIANS

hey PAL(friend)TRYeng to impress her is NOT WORTHY as she is already engaged

chickens are paltry poultry.

POULTRY is worthless as we kill chickens to eat....hence PALTRY sounds like POULTRY....

pal+try = hey pal dont try somethin which is insignificant and trifling

pal (pole) and try(tree)...a pole is very small in comparison to the tree..so paultry- very small value

Hey pal try it man...you tel ur pal to try something because its not all that costly, its petty or of insignificant amt

sounds lyk pantry.. today our pantry has very less snacks

My pals trying to give back borrowed money but he can't cause he's poor.

paltry same sound as party(political party),so nowadays political party are becoming insignificant to the peoples.

read it as "partly" which means "partial" so adha-adhoora kam has no significance in your path success.....

Paltry-remember poultry, poultry is important coz it gives chicken(i like chicken),so paltry is unimportant. poultry - important paltry- unimportant

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