• word of the day


    neophyte - Dictionary definition and meaning for word neophyte

    (noun) a plant that is found in an area where it had not been recorded previously Definition
    (noun) any new participant in some activity Definition
    (noun) a new convert being taught the principles of Christianity by a catechist
    Synonyms : catechumen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for neophyte

split the word into "neo = the matrix hero" and "phyte = fight". Thus neo fights in matrix movie as a beginner or new commer to save the revolution.

neo+phyte ~ new + fight; A new member or beginner always has to fight to establish his own identity.

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NEW(neo)+FAITH(phyte)....a person who has faith in new religion is a neophyte

NEO(phyte) sounds like new...so someone who is new at some thing and learning it...

new + fight = the last rule of Fight Club is, if its your first night, then you have to fight

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