• word of the day


    nefarious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word nefarious

    (adj) extremely wicked
    Synonyms : villainous
    Example Sentence
    • nefarious schemes
    • a villainous plot
    • a villainous band of thieves
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for nefarious

this sounds like ne(nephew)+farious(furious)..so your nephew is very furious or cruel or violent

ne(NO) + fairy + US: No good character like a fairy among us but an exact opposite i.e. a wicked person

Ne(ver) Fair(ious) - Always Bad

hindi:: key fairy wala this fairy wala who was selling ballons to children is "very wicked"

in movies villan is so far fro hero being so wicked.

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:NEFARIOUS=NE(Not)+FARIOUS(Furious). Nefarious is NOT just FURIOUS but a criminal.

nefarious ->nephew not fair to ous its wicked doing

this sounds like ne(nephew)+farious(furious)..so your nephew is very furious.

It's from latin origin, Nefarious= Nefar/s- Wrong(Ne-not+far/s-Divine(law)+ous- to us

ne(no) fari(fari wala io(come) us i.e my brother steal the all goods of the poor fari wala as profession he is a thief & very wicked.

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