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    natation - Dictionary definition and meaning for word natation

    (noun) the act of someone who floats on the water
    Synonyms : floating
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for natation

This is really stupid... nata in hindi means short in height...we know swimming increases height..hence natation is the solution to the height problem.

Neella lo EETATION...(neellu=water),(eetha=swimming)

natation rhymes with floatation

relate this word with the NATO forces....u need to know swimming to get into NATO!

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natation-nata(nhana in hindi)+ tason(trick) so playing trick while bathing or water (nahan wale)

natation sounds like nettesanu :D

Sounds like flotation


Na means No-- Tation sounds like tension..... so No tension--when we are No tension i.e. Na-tation we float .. Like Trancedental Yogis !!

Natation -> Nadesh float on water, swiming

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