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    maverick - Dictionary definition and meaning for word maverick

    (noun) someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action
    Synonyms : rebel
    (noun) an unbranded range animal (especially a stray calf); belongs to the first person who puts a brand on it Definition
    (adj) independent in behavior or thought
    Synonyms : irregular , unorthodox
    Example Sentence
    • she led a somewhat irregular private life
    • maverick politicians
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for maverick

Mave+"RICK" sounds like Ricky Ponting who is rebellious and non-conformist as he does not believe in umpire descisions during India's Cricket match

those who play counter strike will be aware of the bot "maverick" who has cooperation as zero. which is what maverick means!!

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maverick-MAIN BHI RICKshaw chaloonga even I am engineer/doctor. I want to be maverick.

Maverick (tom cruise's name) in top gun was maverick as he broke many codes of navy

MaVErick- Main Vo Rockunga jo ho raha hai-> non-conformist

m+ brick....person who acts like a brick in the way(path) of others

BROCADE---"BROKE-AID"..after buying rich fabric i was BROKE (LACK OF MONEY) and wanted financial AID..

in counterstrike, remember the guy named maverick .. he wont obey ur commands.. he'll go whereever he wants.

maverick - Mai Very Kick the ass types

maverick is a type of gun which a maverick uses

maverick = ma + verick; ma is going to barit to barit house to house.

maverick = ma + aver + ick; means mother is coming from wandering relatives houses.

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