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    malaise - Dictionary definition and meaning for word malaise

    (noun) physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)
    Synonyms : unease , uneasiness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malaise

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mal(means bad, not good (of condition)+aise(sounds like ease)....and someone who is not at ease is one who is feeling ill

Think of malaria

mal hai tu... always making me uneasy. Mal hai tu!!!

I ate a jar of MAYONNAISE. Now I feel sick.

Malai - se; you go to a function and eat a lot of malai dar things and then u feel uneasiness and vague feeling of ill health!

Malaise in mind when wearing maile(dirty) se clothes.

Malaise- AALAS aalas lagta hai means dull dul whn some one is feel ill. so malaise = uneasiness or vague feeling of ill health.

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