• word of the day


    madrigal - Dictionary definition and meaning for word madrigal

    (noun) an unaccompanied partsong for 2 or 3 voices; follows a strict poetic form Definition
    (verb) sing madrigals
    Example Sentence
    • The group was madrigaling beautifully
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MADRIGAL rhymes with married girl..so a PASTORAL SONG was sung for the married girl.

Mad girl's will sing a song in regal theater.

all sisters singing for married girl

Madrid + gal (Skt) Gal refers to voice/throat. Madrid has a lot of population. So, Madrigal means many people singing together

Sounds like MARRIAGE GIRL....I wrote a short love poem to my girl and she became a marriage girl

madrigal: ma + d + ri + ga are swaras in music. so it's related to singing. L stands for a LOT of people. so, its a lot of people singing.

madrigal = madri (married) + gal (girl); The song sang at marriage of a girl.

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