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   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for loll

Think of person singing loll la lolla la la la la .. So he has nothing to do ,so he is lounging about, lazily

loll = lol+l = LAUGHING OUT LOUD [its the sms slang..so we "lol" when we have no other work

this is easy - Lol. we say Lol ONLY when we are chatting. When we chat we waste time lazily by laying around. So Loll is wasting time lazily

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lal-wall-loll lall(red)- imagine urself lounging against a lal(red) wall- u r lolling .

LOL=Laugh Out Loud and LOLL= Laugh Out Loud in a Lounge ;)

a person having LOLLy pop feels lazy, or he have LOLLy pop when he is idle

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