• word of the day


    latent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word latent

    (adj) potentially existing but not presently evident or realized
    Example Sentence
    • a latent fingerprint
    • latent talent
    (adj) (pathology) not presently active
    Example Sentence
    • latent infection
    • latent diabetes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for latent

regroup the words and spell it as talent.. many people have POTENTIAL(talent..)but undeveloped..where as some people HIDE their talent..

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Latent heat can be seen as heat which is "HIDDEN".

when u lay in tent u become hidden to anyone outside.

late entry maarega

late+ent - which wil be active late...

someone with LATENT TALENT is called a LATE bloomer.

Relate it to LATENT HEAT in physics....simple

saLA TENT mein so ra hai

lack(not presently) of tent-talent

latent = late + nt; late night it will rise now it is in sleping mode.

Word used in video below:
text: latent homosexual feelings towards one
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