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    languish - Dictionary definition and meaning for word languish

    (verb) lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief
    Synonyms : pine away , waste
    Example Sentence
    • After her husband died, she just pined away
    (verb) have a desire for something or someone who is not present
    Synonyms : ache , pine , yearn , yen
    Example Sentence
    • She ached for a cigarette
    • I am pining for my lover
    (verb) become feeble
    Synonyms : fade
    Example Sentence
    • The prisoner has be languishing for years in the dungeon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for languish

lang(LAckiNG)a uish(wish)..think of a person who is lacking a wish to do something, and such kind of a person automatically loses his strength.

sounds like EXTINGUISH-wen a person losing strength aur virality or become exhausted then we say that he is extinghuishing

The word has the same root as "lax" which means negligent and careless. A person is negligent ang careless only when he is weak and lacks the strength to do the work energetically which is the meaning of languish.

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you languish when you are in anguish.

Languish when Anguish(severe/ acute pain)...

you languish when you are in anguish.

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