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    juggernaut - Dictionary definition and meaning for word juggernaut

    (noun) a massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way
    Synonyms : steamroller
    (noun) an avatar of Vishnu
    Synonyms : jagannath , jagannatha , jagganath
    (noun) a crude idol of Krishna
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for juggernaut

At the festival, the crowd at Jagannath temple in India is juggernaut. Actually this word came into use from the British rule. On the day of festival a british officer saw the crowd and mispronounced Jagannath as juggernaut.

Every year there will be a Rathyatra of Lord Jagannath in Puri. Once this chariot starts moving, it is not supposed to stop. Whatever comes on the way will be crushed with strong force of people pulling the chariot.

Remeber the character from X-men Juggernaut ...brother of xavier ...his power used to be this irresistable crushing force !!

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picture a monster JUG OF NUTS rolling down a hill crushing a crowd of people.

like there was a Jug smashed on a man Nuts .. hence a crashing force :P

can you remember juggernaut in the game tiberian sun fire storm. nothing could survive in the path of juggernaut.

Associate to Juggernaut in the game Call of Duty. It takes prolonged blows to kill a juggernaut

Not a mnemonic..This is all foolish concept of whoever brought this word in english.. It doesn't crush everything but all inauspicious thing.

remember indian god jagannath and his powers

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