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    itinerary - Dictionary definition and meaning for word itinerary

    (noun) an established line of travel or access
    Synonyms : path , route
    (noun) a guidebook for travelers
    Synonyms : travel guidebook
    (noun) a proposed route of travel
    Synonyms : travel plan
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the car i10 is rarely used to plan a trip in it...

Latin word itiner= journey.... itinerary means schedule or plan a detail route. Other words based on same root are...intinerant, intinerate.

it-italy, nerar-near ...I'm near Italy according to my plan of the trip...

I ti:Tibet ner:near;I am near to Tibet due to my plan of the journey otherwise I would have been lost

sounds iterate >>> when some route is used quite often, it becomes a min route and is iterated by people for their traveling...

Word used in video below:
text: So, here's my itinerary.
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