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    internecine - Dictionary definition and meaning for word internecine

    (adj) (of conflict) within a group or organization
    Example Sentence
    • an internecine feud among proxy holders
    (adj) characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides
    Example Sentence
    • internecine war
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for internecine

INTER (between) + NE (any) + CINE (sign) = in a relationship, when there is'nt ANY SIGN of love BETWEEN the two, it is MUTUALLY DESTRUCTIVE for the relationship.

Necrophobia =Fear of dead, Necromancy=Magic with dead,Inter-necine=Both of them die.(the fighters)

internecine = intern (new in college) + cine(vaccine)= Any new in college so vaccination programe for destruction of harmful organism

Now a days both INTERNEt + CINEma shows alot of bloodshed...

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A combination of the Latin inter- (“among”) and necare (“to kill”), internecine conflicts are full of blood and death

INTER means to bury in the ground. INTERNECINE necessitates burials.

Internecine:(Intern-ecine); Two parts: INTERN; & ECINE; Sounds like a combination of INTERNal - mEdiCINE which deals with both the blood & bloody internal organs of the body. Therefore, Internecine connotes bloodshed for both.

INTER(Bury) + KE(ne) + SIGN - Indication that many ppl will get buried because there is a carnage and it's destructive for both the parties.

no medicne

Now a days the scene of internet is very destructive

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