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    incumbent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word incumbent

    (noun) the official who holds an office
    Synonyms : officeholder
    (adj) lying or leaning on something else
    Example Sentence
    • an incumbent geological formation
    (adj) necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility; morally binding
    Example Sentence
    • it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts
    (adj) currently holding an office
    Example Sentence
    • the incumbent governor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incumbent

INCUM + BENT = OFFICIALS are BENT on(determined) to bring an INCUM home, as it is NECESSARY to survive

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incumbent -> read the word from back side as: determination(bent) to come(cum) in(in) office at time.

Those people who are bent to bring incum(income) work in office

cumbent rhymes with resident...think of a resident INside the office

incumbent rhymes with recumbent (lying down/resting). So, think of someone resting INside the office

in incumbent.see incum our income comes from office.

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