Impale- Im+Pale. If someone is pierced with something he will be pale due to excessive bleeding.
Chaku Pale Diya...Chaku Pierce Kar Diya...
tribes of imphal pierce their body too much
I+M+PALE.. I can PIERCE through any big Crowd.
impale ~ im (I am) + pale (pole) : I am going to impale him using a sharp pole.
impale=i+m+pale.....Ceasear cried::"I am already pale with fever...please dont assasin me...!!!",...still the traitors assasined him with spears and daggers.....synonyms:pierce, stick, run through, spike, lance, spear, skewer, spit, transfix
IMPALE == I Am a POLE and I Am used for PALE(Hindi tearing)ing
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