• word of the day


    hideous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word hideous

    (adj) grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror
    Synonyms : horrid , horrific , outrageous
    Example Sentence
    • subjected to outrageous cruelty
    • a hideous pattern of injustice
    • horrific conditions in the mining industry
    (adj) so extremely ugly as to be terrifying
    Synonyms : repulsive
    Example Sentence
    • a hideous scar
    • a repulsive mask
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hideous

write it like hide+ous.and ous sounds simillar to "us"...and when do we hide ourselves ? Its when we see something ugly and unpleasant.

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wen u look ugly, u tend to hide i.e. HIDE .. US .. ( urselves)

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text: turned up today with a hideous list of
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