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    hegemony - Dictionary definition and meaning for word hegemony

    (noun) the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others
    Example Sentence
    • the hegemony of a single member state is not incompatible with a genuine confederation
    • to say they have priority is not to say they have complete hegemony
    • the consolidation of the United States' hegemony over a new international economic system
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hegemony

hegemony:he's got money,so he's domineering in the society and he control others.

hegemony sounds like he-germany. Germany's hegemony over Belgium was the spark of the WWI

hege(to have in punjabi)+ mony(sounds like MONEY)....a nation which has money is powerful and wealthy nations always dominate the poorer nations.

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can b taken as "huge money".if someone has huge money they ll naturally dominate others..

HUGE+MONEY....countries having huge money always dominate

Hegemony - 'he' who has 'gem'(gems, jewels)and mony (money) has 'dominance' over others

h-ege(egg)-mony(money)-if u hav an egg n lots of money in front of you n u r told to choose one...definitely u'll take money...so money dominates the egg...

hegemony - heg (beg) mony (money) ... when a poor country begs for money to a rich country ... the rich country starts dominating w.r.t terms, relations and other issues ,on the poor country ...

hegemony~he+germany(gemony)..the person who came from germany will try to dominate the indians..

Some rowdy asking hey ji Money kahan hai??

HEGEMONY = he + ge + mony; he is the ge (general electric) money so he dominates other ppls in the company.

Age + money - Normally, rich & elderly people will possess leadership and dominance over their group & family

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