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    headlong - Dictionary definition and meaning for word headlong

    (adj) excessively quick
    Synonyms : hasty
    Example Sentence
    • made a hasty exit
    • a headlong rush to sell
    (adj) with the head foremost
    Synonyms : headfirst
    Example Sentence
    • a headfirst plunge down the stairs
    • a headlong dive into the pool
    (adv) with the head foremost
    Synonyms : headfirst
    Example Sentence
    • the runner slid headlong into third base
    (adv) at breakneck speed
    Synonyms : precipitately
    Example Sentence
    • burst headlong through the gate
    (adv) in a hasty and foolhardy manner
    Synonyms : rashly
    Example Sentence
    • he fell headlong in love with his cousin
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for headlong

Sounds as headstrong,i.e; adamant or unthinkingly daring (person who is very strongheaded)

Haveing a LONG HEAD is symbollic to being haughty (because they think they are smart). Someone who is haughty is very rash and headlong.

I rush everywhere and therefore I hate people who take a LONG time to HEAD out

In the headl(ONG_bak) movie, the fight seens are very RUSH & HASTY

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one whose head is long (figuratively),will try to put his head first in everything i.e.being hasty n rash...

( those ppl whose hairs are long are hasty n rash in combing their hair.. as they are hasty...)

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