• word of the day


    grandiloquent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word grandiloquent

    (adj) lofty in style
    Synonyms : magniloquent , tall
    Example Sentence
    • he engages in so much tall talk, one never really realizes what he is saying
    (adj) puffed up with vanity
    Example Sentence
    • a grandiloquent and boastful manner
    • overblown oratory
    • a pompous speech
    • pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for grandiloquent

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Grandiloquent…GRAND+ELOQUENT only an ELOQUENT speaker can deliver a POMPOUS/BOMBASTIC speech in front a HUGE/GRAND crowd……

Split GRANDILOQUENT as grand and eloquent (expressing yourself readily) which is the grand or mega way of expressing something i.e. pompous

GRANDiloquent sounds like grand open. Grand open need to be grandiloquent.

anything that is grand is used to impress

grandiloquent-grand means large or long and eloquent means to impress people using words

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