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    frantic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word frantic

    (adj) excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion
    Synonyms : frenetic , frenzied , phrenetic
    Example Sentence
    • frantic with anger and frustration
    • frenetic screams followed the accident
    • a frenzied look in his eye
    (adj) marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
    Synonyms : delirious , excited , mad , unrestrained
    Example Sentence
    • a crowd of delirious baseball fans
    • something frantic in their gaiety
    • a mad whirl of pleasure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for frantic

Frantic = Fran(ce)+tic; Sounds like most Frenchmen are pretty frantic... :-) Especially in case you still remember their disgraceful behavior during 2008 Beijing Olimpic torch relay...

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F+Ran(running)+Tic(tic-tic,time) > so as u r outta home and u getting late, at home ur mom wil go wild/distraught with fear or worry.

Frantic = Frenetic = Frenzied

although telling truth in your heart if someone asks u to tell fankly u will get highly agitated,widely excited with....

frantic=france -- in world cup 2006 zidane goes "wild" against italy

fan + trick = if a fan tricks u, u get frenzied with worry

Metal Fans... Remember the song Frantic by Metallica from their album frantic.. Lars is totally wild on drums.. It sucks though :p

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