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    fetter - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fetter

    (noun) a shackle for the ankles or feet
    Synonyms : hobble
    (verb) restrain with fetters
    Synonyms : shackle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fetter

when divided fett+er....fett sounds like FEET....SO your feets are tied with something like a chain .....and thus you restrained to go somewhere ....but basically (this word is derived from Middle English word feter, from Old English; akin to Old Eng

fetter soundslike(shutter) when a shutter is closed..then nothin can go out of it

fetter = feet tier i.e. used to tie feet...

it sounds like fatter, fatter people are restricted to eat junk food

fetter = FEET + TETHER.

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it sounds something like the bird is trying to futter but u have fetterred

from Old English; akin to Old English fōt hence foot ..so feet are tied with some chains.. so something that confines or restrains you doing something...)

I have fretted for years over taking the GRE making me feel shackled and put in chains, restrained from going to Grad School!

it's very difficult to fetter a fat man

Fetter~Fatter : Ur growin FATTER day by day..hence restrictin ur movement by eatin more food(shackle)..

fetter seems like something wore something in the feet >>> some shackle in the feet that restricts us...

fetter sounds like FATtter. As one gets fatter, they are RESTRICTED in what physical activities they can accomplish.

fett (feet) er (her)- her feet were in shackles

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