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    felon - Dictionary definition and meaning for word felon

    (noun) someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
    Synonyms : criminal , crook , malefactor , outlaw
    (noun) a purulent infection at the end of a finger or toe in the area surrounding the nail
    Synonyms : whitlow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for felon

Felon ~ fulon devi who was a notorious bandit and involved in many crimes.

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felon = criminal felon - fell + on - the criminal stabbed a person with a sharp knife and the victim fell on the floor.

felon->melon->watermelon-> red-> blood->crime

fellow+no – he can't be my fellow because he is felon.

felon sounds like fellow ... dirty fellow (who is a crook ,criminal...)

felon rhymes with villain

5 guys fel on her is a serious crime.

Do you remember Hellon in hindi movie.She always commited serious crime in the movie

felon = fell rhymes like hell +on so..when one did serious crime one will go to..hell

felon sounds like villon...

Word used in video below:
text: why you placed a convicted felon in my
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