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    fastidious - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fastidious

    (adj) giving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness
    Example Sentence
    • a fastidious and incisive intellect
    • fastidious about personal cleanliness
    (adj) having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures
    Synonyms : exacting
    Example Sentence
    • fastidious microorganisms
    • certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fastidious

just like ... If your boss is a demanding person he may not leave to you time to eat.Fasting is tedious. So your boss is fastidious.

fas(ana) is tidious ..means kisi ko fasana bhut tidious hai. (jangal mein kisi shikar ko FASaney ke liye use "please" (by bait) karna padta hai. FASana+TEDIOUS=difficult to please=FASTIDIOUS)

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fussy n tedious.

those who FAST, be TIDY (ppl who are more like perfectionists) are DIFFICULT TO BE PLEASED

the word also means very careful in matters of taste...FAST+TEDIOUS....a person who takes tedious time to eat is fastidious

fas(Fussy)tidious: remember like he is tediously fussy about minute details.

FAST + TEDIOUS >>> if u do a tedious work fast, then it will NOT be PERFECTly done.. So its DIFFICULT TO PLEASE the person for whom we are doing the work..

To do a tedious job fast is difficult.

It's hard to please someone who's FAST and TEDIOUS at the same time.

Imagine a child FASTing because it is TIDIOUS to give him food he likes. i.e difficult to please the kid

fast is what we do to please god n it is difficult or tedious to do. s6 fastidious is difficult to please


(FAS)fussy about (TIDIOUS)tedious details

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