• word of the day


    facet - Dictionary definition and meaning for word facet

    (noun) a distinct feature or element in a problem
    Synonyms : aspect
    Example Sentence
    • he studied every facet of the question
    (noun) a smooth surface (as of a bone or cut gemstone)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for facet

remember a multi-facet personality....one who has multi(many) FACET(dimension or SIDE)

Just as we say face of a coin; i.e. a side of coin we can say that a specific diamond has eight faces (facets)

facet = "face"(plane surface) + acet(asset)(gems or jewellery) plane suface of gem

the reflection is coming from the gems plane surface you cannot FACE iT in sun

facet = plane smooth surface or having distinct feature or element of problem now he studied every facet of a question but karate karte wo facet surface pe face pe gir gaya

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the FACE(side) of a polygon

facet = face turn towards us.

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