• word of the day


    extricate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word extricate

    (verb) release from entanglement of difficulty
    Example Sentence
    • I cannot extricate myself from this task
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for extricate

concentrate on ex+tric...mr.EX(X) PLAYED A TRIC(k) in order to FREE himself from the prison.

take it as the opposite of intricate which means to entangle

(ex+tric+ate) when u remove all the tricks played on someone he/she becomes free

sounds similar to extract and that is what the meaning is.

It took EXTRA(extri)effort for KATE(cate) to free her cat from its entanglements

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

EXTRICATE means the opposite of RESTRICT.

sounds excrete >>> to excrete means to remove from...


extricate = ex-trick-ate = remove from a tricky situation

Jailor rusticated because kaidi bhag gaya

Extricate = ex means cut the box, tri means tripple, cat & free them to eat.

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