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    extrapolation - Dictionary definition and meaning for word extrapolation

    (noun) (mathematics) calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values Definition
    (noun) an inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on known facts and observations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for extrapolation

During election time many news channels show extrapole of elections they just try to make predict who will going to win election based on current known information extrapolation is similar

hw much EXTRA did PAUL ATE ? u will hav 2 guess that! :D i.e Infer, conjecture

split it like....extra+pol(sounds like pull.)+ate......AND YOU PULL SOMETHING EXTRA ....TO EXPAND OR EXTEND IT SOME MORE SO EVERY ONE CAN know it.......simillarly extending your knowledge in a unknown area.

maths INTERPOLATION is to estimate between two values,,,EXTRAPOLATION is estimate after last value

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pull means draw...so drawing from special cases to a more general cases.

rem extrapolation in maths

Extrapolation:- Extra +Population. you have to come up with a figure for the extra population.

extra + poll >>> during poll's news channels give the extra information about who may probably win comparing the previous records... relate this..

extrapolation- nothing but Exit Pole before election results

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