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    exotic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word exotic

    (adj) being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world
    Synonyms : alien
    Example Sentence
    • alien customs
    • exotic plants in a greenhouse
    • exotic cuisine
    (adj) strikingly strange or unusual
    Example Sentence
    • an exotic hair style
    • protons, neutrons, electrons and all their exotic variants
    • the exotic landscape of a dead planet
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for exotic

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you can find many TV shows in which they portray different 'Exotic Destinations' or places.. this might help remembering it.

ex means out + tic read from back as cit+y so out of city

Sounds like Arctic (Exotic) which is a strange place

we say exotic dance i.e., attractive and there are many EXOTIC(foreign) girls in movies

exotic honeymoon...to try something unusual :p

Word used in video below:
text: You know, this way I'm just, you know, the exotic
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