• word of the day


    epoch - Dictionary definition and meaning for word epoch

    (noun) a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event
    Synonyms : era
    (noun) (astronomy) an arbitrarily fixed date that is the point in time relative to which information (as coordinates of a celestial body) is recorded
    Synonyms : date of reference
    (noun) a unit of geological time that is a subdivision of a period and is itself divided into ages
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for epoch

epics are based on epoch's

ye pouch(mobile pouch)-it can be used for certain period of time....

e(a) + poch(porche car) is so expensive it takes a epoch of time just to make and deliver one!

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e+poch : pocha (cleaning) it will tak time for the pocha (cleaning the room)

Birth of Muhammad was major EPOCH in PAK's History

The Epoch Times-Its a chinese newspaper Remember time...then you'll get to 'period of time'

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