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    encumber - Dictionary definition and meaning for word encumber

    (verb) hold back
    Synonyms : constrain , cumber , restrain
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for encumber

watchout for the word cumber and think of cumbersome ....anything that is cumbersome may prove to be a burden.

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if u are as cool as a cucumber,,, then you would encumber (hold back from fights etc)

if u r encumbered then your cumber(कंबर ) will have pain..

while i was playing th e game called oblivion i used to get this warning wen i was carrying more than required saying that i am over encumbered loosen ur self

Lady can I encumber you with a cucumberrrr?! hehe

encumber = en + cumber; enable the cumba i.e stick; Enable something to give some resistance.

if n no of cucumbers are asked to eat,you’ll find dem as a hinderance to you deit..

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