• word of the day


    embark - Dictionary definition and meaning for word embark

    (verb) go on board
    Synonyms : ship
    (verb) set out on (an enterprise or subject of study)
    Synonyms : enter
    Example Sentence
    • she embarked upon a new career
    (verb) proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers
    Synonyms : venture
    Example Sentence
    • We ventured into the world of high-tech and bought a supercomputer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for embark

bark is used to build a boat..or a bark is used to row a boat,or commence a journey by rowing..

EMBARK sounds like I AM BACK on track. Means set on right direction.

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when u go out , ur dog barks!

em+bark(sound of dog "barking") - in search of his dog he begins his journey

Come ship is parked.

A barque or bark is a vessel. A barge. To em+bark means to board on barque.

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