• word of the day


    effulgent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word effulgent

    (adj) radiating or as if radiating light
    Synonyms : beaming , beamy , radiant , refulgent
    Example Sentence
    • the beaming sun
    • the effulgent daffodils
    • a radiant sunrise
    • a refulgent sunset
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for effulgent

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Eff (Efficient)+ full+ gen(gem)= an efficient full gem shins brightly; Efficient+ intelligent = if you are efficient as well as intelligent u ll be the shining star

break it up as ef+full+gent and relate gent to gentle man so a full gentleman is brilliant person

effulgent:-ef +fulgent(fuljali) which is always shining.it may help.

A FULL moon shines brightly.


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