• word of the day


    diffident - Dictionary definition and meaning for word diffident

    (adj) showing modest reserve
    Example Sentence
    • she was diffident when offering a comment on the professor's lecture
    (adj) lacking self-confidence
    Synonyms : shy , timid , unsure
    Example Sentence
    • stood in the doorway diffident and abashed
    • problems that call for bold not timid responses
    • a very unsure young man
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for diffident

diffident = difficult to be confident

The root DI- means lacking. The root FIDE- (like FIDElity) means trust. Therefore, DIFFIDENT means lacking trust or confidence

Sounds similar to Confidence..instead of con this word has dif in beginning.. dif (difference, subtract and hence in negative sense)..so diffident means opposite of confidence.

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Look at the root word "Fident" you can place Con+fident, or Dif+fident. They are polar opposites.

It is difficult to have CONFIDENCE when you are different

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