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    detraction - Dictionary definition and meaning for word detraction

    (noun) a petty disparagement
    Synonyms : petty criticism
    (noun) the act of discrediting or detracting from someone's reputation (especially by slander)
    Example Sentence
    • let it be no detraction from his merits to say he is plainspoken
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for detraction

consider it as an opposite of attraction. The one who doesn't attract, we slander that.

De+tract+tion: How do you SubTRACT or reduce someone's reputaTION? by slandering.

detraction= detract + action Detract is to take away We wish to take away a bad action,some wrong we have commited.say,slandering. Thus detraction=slander

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when we see some1 on a tractor we belittle them

sounds like attraction. when sme1 attracts u love him, when sme1 detracts u pass slanderous remarks.

detract is opposite of attract - we slander or attack one we're detracted from.

detraction = detri + action = detrimental action, harmful or injurious action to ones image

de + attraction karna i.e. attration tha use kam karna.. kichad uchhalana

degrade attraction beauty To reduce the value, importance, or quality of something

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