• word of the day


    denouement - Dictionary definition and meaning for word denouement

    (noun) the outcome of a complex sequence of events Definition
    (noun) the final resolution of the main complication of a literary or dramatic work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for denouement

de + NOUncEMENT(ANNOUNCEMENT)..SO you are making an annoucement of your company's FINAL OUTCOME report.DEAL + ANOUNCEMENT

The deal was announced after it was done.

Announcement at the starting of a program or play and denouement at the ending of a program or play

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The DENOUEMENT -> DONE + MOUNT. You know when a cowboy film is DONE because the cowboy MOUNTS his horse and rides off into the sunset.

Denouement is pronounced DAY-NEW-MAW...The resolution of any day, leads to the beginning of a NEW DAY.

denouement - Break it as DONE-NOW-MEANT and rearrange: The play is MEANT to be DONE NOW

In a quick change of events he gave an endowment of 50millin dollars to the program!

the final out of auto biography of Gandhi monument made many people follow ahimsa.

all den owed mentioning all nonravelings of the plot are work of literature should be out to come

the Day the results are announced, the announcement day of results or final outcome after long series of movie or exams or sports or whatever

denouement of the document

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