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    delinquent - Dictionary definition and meaning for word delinquent

    (noun) a young offender
    Synonyms : juvenile delinquent
    (adj) guilty of a misdeed
    Example Sentence
    • delinquent minors
    (adj) failing in what duty requires
    Synonyms : derelict , neglectful , remiss
    Example Sentence
    • derelict (or delinquent) in his duty
    • neglectful of his duties
    • remiss of you not to pay your bills
    (adj) past due; not paid at the scheduled time
    Synonyms : overdue
    Example Sentence
    • an overdue installment
    • a delinquent account
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for delinquent

delinquent: 'ढील in que'-imagine you are waiting in a long que but due to "ढील in duties" and "some offenders", your turn never arrives

delinquent = de (completely) + linqure (to leave). hence it means leaving duty.

delinquent means to cut out the link of the cable is always a criminal.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

de+line(or queue)=departing from line or queue that is derailing

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