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    deign - Dictionary definition and meaning for word deign

    (verb) do something that one considers to be below one's dignity
    Synonyms : condescend , descend
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deign

Reign, which shows high dignity, is the opposite of Degin, which shows low dignity.

DEIGN rhymes with dine.so if u dont dine properly,i.e.if u lack table manners ,u r LOWERING YOURSELF

deign sounds like dean. Deans are people with very high posts in the organization and they can't condescend themselves as it's below their dignity.

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deign rhymes with reign...when a king reigns he holds supreme power and he never stoops to his enemy.

Look like design –You dress designs which was ramped in lackmi fashion week left DEIGN (consider to below ones dignity, humiliate, self-denial, ABASED) impression on the views comments


deign sounds like dean...so if the dean wants to talk to us,the students he has to get down from his position i.e.stoop frm his position and talk.

Deign sounds like REIGN as a king would REIGN. When the king DEIGNS to endure his subject, he RAINS on the subject's parade: Picture the king RAINING on his subject.

The highly conceited king didn't DEIGN to REIGN over the small land as he used to be the emperor of a much larger country

he stop deign to serve the food to be beneath his dignity.

Hindi word DEIGN meaning low, poor person

Deign sounds like dignity; ppl who advertise there dignity they condemn others;

Deity are always DeignWant (din meas patit) to everyone

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