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    debonair - Dictionary definition and meaning for word debonair

    (adj) having a sophisticated charm
    Synonyms : debonaire , debonnaire , suave
    Example Sentence
    • a debonair gentleman
    (adj) having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
    Synonyms : chipper , debonaire , jaunty
    Example Sentence
    • looking chipper, like a man...diverted by his own wit
    • life that is gay, brisk, and debonair
    • walked with a jaunty step
    • a jaunty optimist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for debonair

debonair sounds like debojeet of sa re ga ma pa who is very friendly wid judges so he get good comment and good votes

debonair ~ Deb + On +Air; Imagine a guy named ‘Deb’, who always travel by air (very rich).. and is a debonair gentleman.

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have anyone downloaded erotic film from debonair blog.com?

debonair ~ De+born +Air;the one who born in air has immense cheerfulness.

DEBOnair : DEBO sounds like BEBO which is Kareena kapoor whose very charming ,sauve and urbane. Shes also very cheerful all the times

debonair ==> its magazine http://www.debonairmag.com/

Debo(dev)+bon(born)+air.....so dev(god) borns in air are very friendly, charming and fashionably dressed

Once visit debonair web site you will remember the word rest of your life span..i can bet on it

Deb Nair-> charming, confident and carefully dressed man

DEV(god)+on+air....a god standing on air above you will always look charming

take the middle part of the word(bona) and relate it to the word (bona sera) which means good afternoon in Italian. some body who use such word in every day communication is perhaps a high class urbane person

Debonair diamonds are always friendly,charming and pleasing to women.

debonair=the(de)+boy(bo)+ nair friendly fashionably dressed,aiming to please your girlfriend.

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