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    crimp - Dictionary definition and meaning for word crimp

    (noun) an angular or rounded shape made by folding
    Synonyms : bend , crease , flexure , fold , plication
    Example Sentence
    • a fold in the napkin
    • a crease in his trousers
    • a plication on her blouse
    • a flexure of the colon
    • a bend of his elbow
    (noun) someone who tricks or coerces men into service as sailors or soldiers
    Synonyms : crimper
    (noun) a lock of hair that has been artificially waved or curled Definition
    (verb) make ridges into by pinching together
    Synonyms : pinch
    (verb) curl tightly
    Synonyms : crape , frizz , frizzle , kink , kink up
    Example Sentence
    • crimp hair
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for crimp

CRAMP...why does cramp occur in you legs....because your the vein gets COMPRESSED....crimp means compresssssss........

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