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    construe - Dictionary definition and meaning for word construe

    (verb) make sense of; assign a meaning to
    Synonyms : interpret , see
    Example Sentence
    • What message do you see in this letter?
    • How do you interpret his behavior?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for construe

e.g. if i construe your message correctly...

you need to CONcentrate to decode TRUe messages.

KAUN+TRUE- let me know WHO is truely speaking.- judge said

construe = (cons)ider it is (true)...so we interpret something by ourselves

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Concentrate true to decide her feelings.

Construe the abstruse concept.

cons.+true....concentrate on all of your friends action, because you need to give A TRUE EXPLANATION.........TO the monitor.

'const'rue->if a constant appears while doing maths IT IS UNDERSTOOD that it doesnt change the value

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