• word of the day


    complaisant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word complaisant

    (adj) showing a cheerful willingness to do favors for others
    Synonyms : obliging
    Example Sentence
    • to close one's eyes like a complaisant husband whose wife has taken a lover
    • the obliging waiter was in no hurry for us to leave
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for complaisant

com + plais(please) + ant come and please the a(u)nt..lol

FOCUS ON sant(saint!), who is always obliging.

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Complacent is self satisfied and Complaisant is a person who satisfies other people

complaisant=complaint + santh ...santh agar complaint bhi karta hai toh ..he does it in an obliging way

He is a complaisant boy. Though my home is not facilitated as his, he said It is a pleasant to come here.

come please saint i.e.trying to please,obliging

its opposite to complaint

A comPLAISANT person is a "pleasant" person to be around.

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