• word of the day


    collateral - Dictionary definition and meaning for word collateral

    (noun) a security pledged for the repayment of a loan Definition
    (adj) descended from a common ancestor but through different lines
    Synonyms : indirect
    Example Sentence
    • cousins are collateral relatives
    • an indirect descendant of the Stuarts
    (adj) serving to support or corroborate
    Example Sentence
    • collateral evidence
    (adj) accompany, concomitant
    Example Sentence
    • collateral target damage from a bombing run
    (adj) situated or running side by side
    Example Sentence
    • collateral ridges of mountains
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for collateral

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When you give a loan to someone and he doesnot return the money what will you do??? You'll call him repeatedly but he will say "CALL LATER". To avoid this scene, you will take some kind of security such as property, jewellery...

REMEMBER THE MOVIE COLLATERAL DAMAGE... damages are caused if security is not proper.... so easily remember.. its security given for loan...

colateral - a house or a jewel is lateral to the loan and hence a co-lateral. If you are late in paying loans, then you have to pay with the co-late-ral

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