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    coeval - Dictionary definition and meaning for word coeval

    (noun) a person of nearly the same age as another
    Synonyms : contemporary
    (adj) of the same period
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for coeval

sounds similar to co-evolve meaning EVOLVED OR BORN AT THE SAME TIME

co-eval; eval means age. coeval means same age

COEVAL=CO+EVOLUTION so two things evolved at the same time

co(together)+eval(evolution) born together

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CO+EVAL(evaluation = exam) someone who takes up exams with you, is of same age as you

coeval-co eval(oval) having the same centre--means same age

Coeval (Sounds like Co + Eve + All).. So if we all have to cooperate "EVE", we all have to sit together in TIME MACHINE and go back to EDEN GARDEN to become contemporary to EVE.

co-eval .. In the same age as Eve from the genesis of Man- And I'm the lucky adam who gets to fornicate

coeval-> co+eval means co-same eval-arrival so coeval means same arrival or of same age/time

it sounds like medieval..which was a time period long ago. so therefore during the same time...:)

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