• word of the day


    chronic - Dictionary definition and meaning for word chronic

    (adj) being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering
    Example Sentence
    • chronic indigestion
    • a chronic shortage of funds
    • a chronic invalid
    (adj) of long duration
    Synonyms : continuing
    Example Sentence
    • chronic money problems
    (adj) habitual
    Synonyms : inveterate
    Example Sentence
    • a chronic smoker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chronic

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initial part sound as crown !! crown + ic .. A king rules the nation for long time, hence his crown last for long time..ie long lasting

take out the word 'chrono', its something continual.. so long durational disease

ch'roni'c=just concentrate on and frame it as 'iron' which is very strong and will be there for long time:)

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