• word of the day


    celestial - Dictionary definition and meaning for word celestial

    (adj) of or relating to the sky
    Synonyms : heavenly
    Example Sentence
    • celestial map
    • a heavenly body
    (adj) relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven
    Synonyms : heavenly
    Example Sentence
    • celestial beings
    • heavenly hosts
    (adj) of heaven or the spirit
    Synonyms : ethereal , supernal
    Example Sentence
    • celestial peace
    • ethereal melodies
    • the supernal happiness of a quiet death
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for celestial

Celestial sounding more like Galaxial

celestial bodies is generally referred to planets or other objects in sky such as meteriods stars etc..since heaven is up there....celestial refers to heaven

bestial means beast like celestial means heavenly

celetial sounds like selective. and if given an option we would choose heaven instead of hell

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