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    cavalier - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cavalier

    (noun) a gallant or courtly gentleman
    Synonyms : chevalier
    (noun) a royalist supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War
    Synonyms : royalist
    (adj) given to haughty disregard of others
    Synonyms : high-handed
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cavalier

CAVALIER sounds like cavalry, which is the part of the army which serve on the horse back and they are definitely more arrogant than the soldier on feet

ca+vali+er link it with "Vali" of Ramayan..he was arrogant

cavalier -> cava(name of a person) + liar; cava is a liar. he makes instant(offhand) lie and also arrogant in nature.

CAVALary+hIER=knights or people of high rank(hier) these people are generally ARROGANT to poor people

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it sounds like kavali .. kavali gane wala mast rehta hai..

think of lebron james of the cleveland cavaliers who his really arrogant and does not bother passing the ball to any of his teammates!!

King Ravan was angered on his cavalier(sarathi) careless attitude when he got him out of battlefield during on-going war.

cavalier -> caval(security), knight security casual,offhand but arrogant.

cavalier ~ kav-va-li (singing activity) all person who sing kav-vali dress up royal

cava+lier...CAVA(crow)and crow is always arrogant

Cavalier - Like Kavali While doing kavali, people move their hand ,so offhand

cavalier = ca-valor = caval-lier both together, a valorous person who lies i.e he is arrogant and haughty more than true valor

Cavalry: Horse Riders(ier) are always arrogant

Asking arrogantly, CAVALI + ER??

Word used in video below:
text: i i drive a chevy cavalier
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