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    cap - Dictionary definition and meaning for word cap

    (noun) a tight-fitting headdress Definition
    (noun) a top (as for a bottle) Definition
    (noun) a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive Definition
    (noun) something serving as a cover or protection Definition
    (noun) a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella or a cone that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom
    Synonyms : pileus
    (noun) a protective covering that is part of a plant
    Synonyms : hood
    (noun) an upper limit on what is allowed
    Synonyms : ceiling , roof
    Example Sentence
    • he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him
    • there was a roof on salaries
    • they established a cap for prices
    (noun) (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth
    Synonyms : crown , crownwork , jacket , jacket crown
    Example Sentence
    • tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown
    (noun) the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
    Synonyms : capital , chapiter
    (verb) lie at the top of
    Synonyms : crest
    Example Sentence
    • Snow capped the mountains
    (verb) restrict the number or amount of
    Example Sentence
    • We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club

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text: all right you mad cap gown
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