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    canonical - Dictionary definition and meaning for word canonical

    (adj) appearing in a biblical canon
    Synonyms : canonic
    Example Sentence
    • a canonical book of the Christian New Testament
    (adj) of or relating to or required by canon law
    Synonyms : canonic
    (adj) reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality
    Synonyms : basic , canonic
    Example Sentence
    • a basic story line
    • a canonical syllable pattern
    (adj) conforming to orthodox or recognized rules
    Synonyms : canonic , sanctioned
    Example Sentence
    • the drinking of cocktails was as canonical a rite as the mixing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for canonical

canonical--look at the word canon+ical-....something that resembles or like the biblical canon.

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The canon shoots with traditional accuracy under law.

Say it running together: Cannonical+law+biblical

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